Daniela Garbo

Dr. Daniela Garbo MD, DDS, MSc,

Specialist in Orthodontics

Graduated from Medical School in 1992, Dentistry degree in 1995 and diploma in Periodontology in 1996 at the University of Turin, Italy. Specialization in Orthodontics in 2001 after a three-year postgraduate program at the Royal Dental College, Aarhus University, Denmark, in the department directed by Professor Birte Melsen.  In 2003 Master of Science in Orthodontics in the same department. Winner of the 2003 SIDO prize as best Oral Presentation in the section Osteodistraction. Best Poster in 2017 SIDO Congress. Diplomate at the Italian Board of Orthodontics in 2013 and European Board of Orthodontics in 2020. Faculty member at the EFP Master in Periodontology, Turin University, since 2007. Guest lecturer at the International Short-term Postgraduate Course in Orthodontics at Aarhus University (DK) since 2011. Lecturer at the Postgraduate Orthodontic Program at Turin University and Milan San Raffaele Vita e Salute University. President of SIBOS (Italian Society of Biomechanics and Segmented Arch) 2019-20. Treasurer of SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) in 2020-21. SIDO President elected for 2026.

She has published scientific articles in orthodontics and is an internationally invited speaker.

Active member of SIDO, Italian Academy of Orthodontics, AAO, WFO, EOS.

Private practice of orthodontics in Turin, Italy.